
warcrygirl - 2006-01-25 20:32:05
Blue booties!!!!
nogooddaddy - 2006-01-26 10:58:49
Our local mexican place has good taquitos but I don't like them in general because of the grease factor. <br> <br> Good luck with the sitter thing. It's never easy...
GoingLoopy - 2006-01-26 22:07:10
...I grew up in Texas, and since leaving there, I have YET to encounter a decent enchilada. And I hope that the stupid babysitting whore did not steal any taquitos.
E-Beth - 2006-01-27 01:39:31
You're babysitter sounds AWESOME! Please give me her number. Though the food at my house will probably give her botulism. Don't tell the health department. It's an experiment. Meaning I'm too lazy to reach way in the back and get the food that has been in there for six months rotting.

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